Alan Daysh

I’m a landscape painter working around the Isle of Wight and the south of England. I paint the landscape in oils and I like to experiment with 3 main styles, all represented on this site.
1. The 100 OIL SKETCHES series: These are all painted with a palette knife using thick impasto paint. The surface texture and blending of colours are just as important as the image and so this is the most abstract series.
2. The ISLAND SKIES series: These are oil sketches on hardboard panel painted with brushes and the aim is to find something unique and timeless in the landscape.
3. The DISTANT SKIES series: These are oil paintings on either canvas or hardboard panels using brushes and cloths. The aim is to blend the paint on the surface to create space and atmosphere.
I’ve had several one-man and joint exhibitions, including solo shows at Quay Arts and Dimbola Lodge on the Isle of Wight. I’ve also had work selected for the Royal Institute of Oil Painters exhibition at the Mall Galleries in London. Some of my work has also been made into prints that have sold nationally through the John Lewis chain of department stores amongst others. I’ve also worked on a commission for Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty and had work published in one of their books. My philosophy of painting is very simple. The subject of all my paintings in the distance. The feeling of looking out across a landscape and experiencing something timeless, something nameless. The feeling of being there in an unchanging moment. I work mainly in oils on small panels, usually from nature as I want to capture the light, colours, and tones as spontaneously as possible. My aim in joining this site is to provide an outlet for the small oil sketch panels that I work on. I want to continue working on these landscapes, exploring and developing themes. For the collector, I hope it will give them a chance to buy something original and unique which part of a lifelong project. The latest paintings are from the series 100 Oil Sketches, a group of 100 small oil sketches all painted with a palette knife. This series was all painted around the Isle of Wight and the Solent.
For information or questions regarding the Visualears project, please email me at
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